Gender equality
Stereotypes are impressed upon us from the day we are born
Christmas traditions in italy Gifts from the good witch It is not only Santa who brings Christmas gifts. Right across Italy, on January 6 - marking the end of the holiday season - there is a visit from la Befana. This translates literally as ‘the good witch’, and legend says that o...
·Dandelion What is a dandelion ? • Dandelion (lat. Taráxacum) is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Aster family, or Compositae. The type species of the genus - Dandelion officinalis- is a well-known plant with a rosette of basal leaves and a scattering of bright yellow inflore...
· • is a type of renewable energy that extracts energy from the power of moving water. Water energy can be used in mechanics and electricity generation. Now, the energy of falling water is mainly used in the world, for which dams are built and hydroelectric power plants are installed nearb...
· About the agency • AirGuru is an online travel agency that will help you take the first step towards travel. They are there to meet your leisure or business travel needs. AirGuru's travel booking system is balanced in such a way that the journey starts as soon as you choose your route in...
·INTRODUCTION Violence against women – particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence – is a major public health problem and a violation of women's human rights. Most of this violence is intimate partner violence. Worldwide, almost one third of women who have been in a relati...
·In many countries, pupils are often encouraged to take a year off, to work or travel across the world, before deciding on their formal university education. This growing trend, also known as a “gap – year”, has numerous merits and a few demerits, which will be discussed in this ess...
· Hello everyone, my name is, I'm 19 years old and Today I’d like to report you a little bit about myself and tell the reason why I chose the profession of a nurse. Probably, each of us here asked questions ourselves like “Who I am?” or “What is my purpose?” In my point of view, when pe...
·Anxiety is a natural human response to stress, often characterized by feelings of worry, fear, and uneasiness. It is a common emotion experienced by many people and can manifest in different ways, impacting both mental and physical well-being. Types of Anxiety Disorders Generalized Anxiety D...
·Look at this picture. I am not surprised if any one of you are feeling terrified. The creepy-crawly you see in this picture is called Kissing Bug and it belongs to insect class. These insects are very tiny and their bites are very painful and sometimes even deadly. Kissing bugs are aggressive an...
·Diary topic 2 . Everyone human being has used the in his life journey. An escalator is a moving staircase that was created to carry people between floors of a building or structure and help them reach the destination of trip faster easier and with comfort. are the greatest invention in history,...
·Gender equality Stereotypes are impressed upon us from the day we are born What is gender equality? Benefits of achieving gender equality Better business Better economy Reduced poverty Better health What would gender equality mean in practice? More girls would be educated More wo...
·Alternative Living is a word combination of "Veganism" and "Free". It means that people don't buy food and they use edible food that is being thrown out and wasted. Freegans go to their local grocery store dumpsters and find edible food to not let it go to waste. saves money, resource...
·Agenda Apple's Commitment to Sustainable Development Environmental Challenges Faced by Tech Companies Apple's Sustainable Practices and Innovations Analyzing Apple's Sustainable Strategies Technological Innovations: Apple's Eco-friendly Product Design Supply Chain Sustainability: Apple's S...
·ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS POLLUTION (WATER, AIR) Pollution or contaminaion – the release of substance, preparations, organisms or their mixtures into the environment, the consequences of whiich negatively affect the quality of human life or ecosystems. WATER POLUTION WATER The most common compo...
·Introduction Overview of Vilnius and its Urban Development Sustainability Environmental Sustainability Initiatives Vilnius power plant "In 2011, the most environmentally polluting power plant in Lithuania emitted 1300 tons of pollutants into the environment.“ 0 – power plants in Viln...
·Throughout human existence, the question of purpose has remained an enduring enigma that captivated the human mind for ages. What is the purpose of living? This question includes cultural, philosophical, and religious boundaries, engaging individuals in profound contemplation. I am seeking to unde...
·Introduction Personal interest Hypothesis : social media has a negative impact on mental health Main goals : Investigate the impact of social media on mental health and propose strategies for managing and mitigating its adverse effects. Studies have found that using social media platfo...