Animal exploitation in the tourism industry
S ome of the most visited tourism areas are usually the ones with the best attractions and people love nothing more than exotic or cute animals that would get them the most likes on Instagram or Facebook. Animals that could be exploited include: any of the big cats, their offspring, camels, elephants, horses and even dogs and cats. For example, in Egypt you could find a guy offering camel rides for a low price, and usually these camels are not well taken care of often being malnourished, beaten into submission and being too tired to even walk or stand.
A nd this is what a healthy camel should look like, no discoloration on their fur, obvious muscle definition and some fat expected as they are a species that lives in the desert and has to store fat to keep up with the ...
Gender equality Stereotypes are impressed upon us from the day we are born What is gender equality? Benefits of achieving gender equality Better business Better economy Reduced poverty Better health What would gender equality mean in practice? More girls would be educated More wo...
·Agenda Apple's Commitment to Sustainable Development Environmental Challenges Faced by Tech Companies Apple's Sustainable Practices and Innovations Analyzing Apple's Sustainable Strategies Technological Innovations: Apple's Eco-friendly Product Design Supply Chain Sustainability: Apple's S...
· is located at Naica, Mexico. This cave is connected to the Naica Mine at a depth of 300 metres . It takes the form of a chamber within the limestone host rock of the mine, and is about 109-metre long. The cave contains giant milky-white crystals, some of the largest natural crystals ever found....
·To this day, most states have abandoned the death penalty, but it is still debated whether this is really the right decision. Partly I think that waiving this penalty is a good idea because in my opinion a person who is not necessarily guilty can be punished in this way. First of all, the deat...
·Graffiti is writing or drawings scribbled or sprayed on a wall in a public place. Graffiti ranges from simple words to elaborate paintings and has existed since ancient times. In most countries, painting property without the owner's consent is considered vandalism, which is a crime. Graffiti may a...
·Diary topic 2 . Everyone human being has used the in his life journey. An escalator is a moving staircase that was created to carry people between floors of a building or structure and help them reach the destination of trip faster easier and with comfort. are the greatest invention in history,...
·Christmas traditions in italy Gifts from the good witch It is not only Santa who brings Christmas gifts. Right across Italy, on January 6 - marking the end of the holiday season - there is a visit from la Befana. This translates literally as ‘the good witch’, and legend says that o...
·Dear Madam or Sir, I am writing to apply for the position of an assistant in the bookshop which was advertised on my college website. I am interested in this job since I enjoy spending time in the library and love helping people. I am fifteen years of age and am studying in the 9th grade. After...
· Christmas in lithuania that we know Let's start the Christmas journey in our country. In Lithuania, Christmas is a religious holiday. Of course, the biggest Christmas presents are presented on December 25. in the morning, over Christmas. Christmas traditions in Lithuania are changing a bit,...
·WHAT IS BEAUTY? Skin tones1. CONDENT: How we understand beauty? How I understand beauty. 1. 2. BEAUTY TYPES 3. What beauty actually is? We all understand beauty in different ways,Yes, first of all we understand a person only from their outer beauty, but this does not depend on the person's per...
·Alternative Living is a word combination of "Veganism" and "Free". It means that people don't buy food and they use edible food that is being thrown out and wasted. Freegans go to their local grocery store dumpsters and find edible food to not let it go to waste. saves money, resource...
·. Nowadays, with a drastic improvement in technology and traveling options, more and more students have the opportunity to choose where they want to do their degree - in their home country or abroad. This is a very difficult choice to make, and both options have their positive and negative aspec...
·Introduction Personal interest Hypothesis : social media has a negative impact on mental health Main goals : Investigate the impact of social media on mental health and propose strategies for managing and mitigating its adverse effects. Studies have found that using social media platfo...
·Leonardo da Vinci Engineering Cam Hammer The Cam Hammer works by doing a full rotation of the cam, and makes one strong impact. A device that combines simplicity with minimalistic components. Bombard The Bombard is a gun designed to fire round objects filled with lead. Jack The Jack is us...
·Table of contents Privacy law Cybersecuryti law Defamation Law Content Regulation Advertising and Consumer Protection Law Child Online Protection Laws User Consent and Terms of Use Conclusion Sources Privacy law Social networks often handle large amounts of personal data, so pri...
· Turinys 2 skaidre It was 1895 when Auguste and Louis Lumière used a cinematograph machine to project moving images onto a screen. Audiences have been enraptured by cinema ever since. Naturally, movies have come a long way since the early days of 50-second reels, resulting in a rich variety o...
·Introduction Overview of Vilnius and its Urban Development Sustainability Environmental Sustainability Initiatives Vilnius power plant "In 2011, the most environmentally polluting power plant in Lithuania emitted 1300 tons of pollutants into the environment.“ 0 – power plants in Viln...