An Analysis of the Guardian article: “Why are so few male social workers?”. Written by Galley David and Margarethe Parrish.
Gender segregation by the professions is an actual problem, which creating not only a pay gap but also a shortcoming of relevant gender specialists. Social work is not an exception. It is dominated by the woman. While the perspective of the man in social work is also very needed.
The authors, David Galley and Margarethe Parrish in their article “Why are there so few male social workers" published in the Guardian, well known British news internet portal, trying to find the reason of the gender gap in the social work sector. The problem analysed in this article is also relevant to Lithuania. For example in Utena College Social work study program(IN) there are only 7 male students from 63 students. I believe that in other Universities and Colleges in Lithuania the gap must be similar. Hopefully, by finding the reason of the gender gap in social work we can improve the services provided by social workers.
Traditions of feminism
In the article, David Galley and Margarethe Parrish as one of the reasons of the gender gap in social work describes as "under-printed traditions of feminism". By using the word “under-printed” authors mention that we pay not enough attention to this problem in all kinds of levels not only academic, practice, but also in social media.
Social roles in the family are very clear since the ages - woman cares about the family, kids, elderly people and the man providing families with a money and food. Actually, the birth of social work grew up from female volunteers who were wealthy and provided to the poor. Since then not much has changed. It is still expected by society that the social work profession is more suitable for the woman. Male students questioned in the article experience exclusion, with woman declining to work alongside them. Some of the women even questioning men's suitability for social work. So no wonder that men have been noticeably absent on the front line of services, but expected to be more prominent in managerial roles.
A social worker career based on social interaction, caring, communication and other such “soft skills". ...
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·. Written by Galley David and Margarethe Parrish. Introduction Gender segregation by the professions is an actual problem, which creating not only a pay gap but also a shortcoming of relevant gender specialists. Social work is not an exception. It is dominated by the woman. While the perspe...
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